of Engineers.

Ensuring professional practice since 1983.
The Botswana Institution of Engineers (BIE) was formed in 1983 by a group of engineers who were concerned about the development, practice and status of engineering in the country.
In December 2008, the amended Engineers Registration Act Chapter 61:06 was approved by Parliament
Upholding the honor, integrity & dignity of the engineering profession by applying our knowledge & skills in an impartial manner & with independence of judgement.
Accepting our social responsibility & being sensitive to the needs of our community & general public that we serve at large.
Pursuing life-long learning learning & continuous personal professional development & seeking to achieve the highest standards of qualification, training & skills development.
Ensuring high standards of professional conduct & ethical behavior & practice amongst our members.
Our Recommended IPD / CPD Training Partners.

Giving your savings the Opportunity to grow.
Aliquam eros justo, posuere in lobortis non, viverra laoreet augue. Sed mattis fermentum dui, non ullamcorper
Achieving Financial goals
Achieving Financial goals
Financial Planning
Managing the Finance risk.
Our Leadership Council
We opened doors in Oct 1983 & had 18 visionary Presidents.

Stay in The Know
BIE’s Young Engineering Trailblazers Illuminate UNESCO’s 9th Africa Engineering Week
Call For Papers
2022 BIE Gala Dinner